The Campaign

In 2011, Joe Harris began the second distinct phase of his international short-handed offshore sailing career by buying a new, third-generation Class 40 called the Akilaria RC-2, from the design office of Marc Lombard and built by MC-Tec. Although this boat is 10 feet shorter than his prior Open 50, with the evolution in yacht design, the boat is nearly as fast on most points of sail. Joe's plan in buying the new boat was to campaign the boat in a number of challenging offshore events that would lead up to an around the world solo non-stop attempt.

2011 brought the Normandy Channel Race and then the Fastnet. In 2012, Joe competed in the Atlantic Cup and then the Newport-Bermuda race. Then Joe again competed in the all-Class 40 Atlantic Cup, and then in the Bermuda 1-2. Having sailed the boat for three seasons now in both Europe and North America in the highly competitive arena of Class 40, Joe feels that he and the boat are ready to take it to the next level.

Current Campaign Schedule:

June 22 - Block Island Race Week
July 6 - Marblehead to Halifax Race
August 1 - Eggamoggin Reach Regatta
August 14 - Ida Lewis Race
September - Solo record attempt to Bermuda
November - Non-stop Solo Around the World Record Breaking Attempt


2004 - 2nd Place: Transat >
3,500 miles, Plymouth, England to Boston, MA, 16 days - single-handed

2005 - 1st in Division: Transat Jacques Vabre >
4,700 miles, LeHavre, France to Salvadore, Brazil, 17 days - double-handed

2006 - 1st in Class: Newport-Bermuda Race >

2007 - 1st Overall and Single-leg Record Setter: Bermuda 1-2 >

2012 - 3rd Place:
Atlantic Cup >

2012 - 2nd in Class: Newport-Bermuda >

2013 - Class 40 Winner: Charleston Race Week >

2014 - Atlantic Cup Winner

GryphonSolo2 Campaign / Joe Harris Ocean Racing
471 Bridge Street, Hamilton, MA 01982
© 2025 GryphonSolo2 Campaign