2014 Atlantic Cup

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GS2 Charleston Delivery - Day 1 Summary
May 3, 2014

GS2 Charleston Delivery - Day 1 Summary
May 3, 2014

Hello friends- 

We are currently motor-sailing along about 110 miles east of the entrance to Delaware Bay, in a light southerly breeze with bright sunshine and smooth seas so life is really pretty good.

We started off yesterday with the wind right on the kisser at 20’ish knots so we had two reefs in the mainsail and the staysail with full water ballast so were making around 8 knots boat speed in somewhat near the right direction. As the night went on, the wind backed into the west so were able to achieve our course of 225’ magnetic for Cape Hatteras,

Although still close hauled and pounding into lumpy seas and spray in the dark. Pat and I split the watches at 3 hours each through the night so we ended up getting some sleep, though the sea state made sleeping challenging.

A bit before sunrise the wind went super light so Pat cranked up the engine and we have been motor sailing all days since then. We started with about 35 gallons of diesel and burn about a half-gallon per hour at a speed of 6 knots +-, so we have a cruising range under power of around 420 miles for a trip of around 720 miles so we can’t motor all the time. However, we are trying to get to Hatteras before the wind comes hard from the southwest so have the hammer down now. We have been puttering and fixing things on the boat- tightening mainsail battens, making a downhaul/preventer for the boom, and snacking along the way on ham and cheese sandwiches. Deliveries can be a bit boring- like a long car ride only less comfortable - but Pat and I have chosen to use this time as training for the Atlantic Cup race back north and from that perspective, this time is really valuable. I think most of the other competitors are delivering their own boats down as well so I’m not sure it truly gives us any advantage, but hopefully we can avoid breakdowns or mistakes caused by rustiness.

I am feeling guilty at leaving my son Emmett’s (age 10) lacrosse team for which I am the coach but I wish the Hamilton-Wenham Generals U-11 Red Team good luck in their game tomorrow. 

I hope all of you are enjoying this lovely week-end weather and we will report in tomorrow as we approach Hatteras.


GryphonSolo2 Campaign / Joe Harris Ocean Racing
471 Bridge Street, Hamilton, MA 01982
© 2025 GryphonSolo2 Campaign