Skipper's Logs


From Feast to Famine
January 14, 2016

Hello Friends-

After three days of very light or no wind- The Wind God Aeolus has woken up and turned on the fan out here on the Agulhas Plateau, which is about 400 miles south of the tip of South Africa and about 560 miles north and east of Prince Edward Island (will have to study-up on that one), a remote outcropping in the middle of nowhere. I am on Day 6 following my re-start from Cape Town and Day 49 in cumulative time at sea, so the web site counter will soon just reflect cumulative time. So yesterday as I studied the weather I could see that I had to cross a cold front to get to the fresh south westerly wind. The GRIB weather file called for 22 knots of wind, but I had a feeling at the transition point to the new weather it would be more and indeed it was at about 2:00 AM this morning when it went from 8 knots from the East to 30 knots from the South West in about 10 minutes, with some rain attached. So although I had been waiting for this shift to occur and a gybe, I had a bit too much sail up, so scrambled for the next hour to put three reefs in the main and change from the solent jib to the smaller staysail. These late night, high wind sail changes never fail to get the adrenaline pumping and I moved slowly and carefully around the boat as I made the changes. After I had the situation stabilized, I put some water ballast in to reduce the heel angle and fell into my bunk around 4:00 to catch a little sleep before dawn.

So the boat is moving well now at 9-10 knots in 23 knots of wind at a True Wind Angle of about 80'. However, I can hear GS2 whispering to me, "Hey Dad- I really want to go downwind!! Can I?? Please, Please??". I know if I could turn her downhill by about 40' we would be absolutely flying, but I am trying to head South East, so alas have to keep my "American Pharoah" reined in for now. As Neil Young said, "There Comes a Time.”

So I'm nearly finished a book called "Service- A Navy Seal at War, by Marcus Luttrell, author of the bestseller and hit movie "Lone Survivor." This one is about his tour of duty in Ramadin, Iraq, during President Bush’s "surge" and it is an interesting read. On the movie shelf, I juxtaposed "Training Day", which Denzel Washington won an Oscar for portraying a bad-ass cop in gangland LA, with "It's Complicated", an amusing semi-chic-flick story of divorce and reconciliation with Meryl Streep. It’s good to have variety. Maybe Mick Jaggers' autobiography next?

So I am hoping that having paid my dues and battled my way back down south here to the Roaring Forties, that the prevailing Westerly wind will dominate and allow me to make up some miles after a slow first week from Cape Town. The down side is the constant crashing and banging as the boat lurches along and blue (cold!) water coming over the deck constantly- so must have full foul weather gear for any trip on deck. Makes for a lot of changing and mopping water out of the boat to keep my small living area dry. But I will take it over flat calm any day!


GryphonSolo2 Campaign / Joe Harris Ocean Racing
471 Bridge Street, Hamilton, MA 01982
© 2025 GryphonSolo2 Campaign