Skipper's Logs


Day 79 - Around NZ!
February 14, 2016

Day 79-  Around NZ!

Hello Friends-

My apologies for not writing for a week. I just didn't feel I had much new to say. And I have been very focused on getting around the bottom of New Zealand... and guess what... I just did it!

Cowabunga dude… I am really totally psyched. You may have seen my crazy track around the bottom of Stewart Island.... my wonderful sponsor- CBL Insurance- based in New Zealand- offered to send a helicopter down to Stewart Island and take some pictures and video of GS2 making the big turn. I was slightly on the fence because I knew I would lose a bit of time on the record bid- but in the end I thought the pros way outweighed the cons and I am very glad that we did it. I just got to the party a little early- about 2:00AM and needed to wait till 7:00 AM to get enough light. So I pulled an all-nighter fueled by Irish coffees and although it was a bit hairy for awhile as I groped around in the dark- luckily I did not hit anything.

Stewart Island is spectacular- green, lush, bold, totally raw. I wanted to stop and climb all the mountains, where clearly few have gone. What a cool place... hopefully I will come back some day.

So now the sun is rising and I am on my way to... Cape Horn!!! Woooo Hooo!!

So stand by for photos and video- should be up soon-

Jo Jo

GS2's proximity to Stewart Island and odd maneuvering to meet the helicopter at sunset caused a few to be concerned about Joe's status. We chose to keep it under wraps as we weren't sure until the last minute if the mission was going to be successful due to all the variables involved.

GryphonSolo2 Campaign / Joe Harris Ocean Racing
471 Bridge Street, Hamilton, MA 01982
© 2025 GryphonSolo2 Campaign