Skipper's Logs


It Begins!
November 15, 2015

Joe departed the starting mark at 09:18:24 this morning and didn't waste time getting into 23-28 knots of air. For the duration of his trip and throughout each week Joe will post brief updates and photos/videos to the GS2 Facebook Page which will also appear in a summarized fashion on the GS2 Official Website at We'll also be sending semi-weekly email summaries (to this email list) towards the end of each week. More info to follow as he settles into his offshore routine. Team GS2, family, friends, and fans have given Joe a wonderful send-off and we know Joe appreciates the support!

GryphonSolo2 Campaign / Joe Harris Ocean Racing
471 Bridge Street, Hamilton, MA 01982
© 2025 GryphonSolo2 Campaign