2022-23 Globe40

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GS2: Grenada Arrival & Prep for the Final Leg of the Globe40
February 16, 2023

Hello Friends-

We finished Leg 7 of the Globe 40 from Recife, Brazil to Grenada. The leg was very fast and mostly downwind- either tight or broad reaching- so very wet on deck. It was a perfect leg for the Class 40's as these boats are designed for this point of sail and they really fly. We were all averaging boatspeeds between 10 and 14 knots but Whiskey Jack really took off, so credit to Mel and Tom who pushed their boat hard. We have done the usual rig check and have now hauled GS2 out of the water to check the keel, rudders and sail drive and all seems good. We will use the next 4 days to go over the boat carefully and be sure everything is ready for the last leg to Lorient. My family- as well as Rogers family- will be coming to Grenada soon so we are both looking forward very much to that. Roger and I have been reflecting on the fact that we are on the last leg of the race and we both have mixed feelings, as we will miss the racing but are both ready to get off the boat and be done with the difficult living conditions. I guess that is to be expected. So onward for the final push- thank you to all GS2 friends for your support.

Joe and Roger on Feb. 16, 2023 from Grenada

GryphonSolo2 Campaign / Joe Harris Ocean Racing
471 Bridge Street, Hamilton, MA 01982
© 2025 GryphonSolo2 Campaign