GryphonSolo2 News


Gamble to the South Puts Boston Sailor in Second
June 15, 2004

Boston, MA - Three days ago American solo sailor Joe Harris was faced with the prospect of chasing leader Kip Stone to the finish line, with a slim chance of passing the brand new, state-of-the-art 5O-foot racing machine. The design of Stone's Artforms is superior to windward, a fact that did not escape Joe Harris in planning his strategy and taking action aboard Wells Fargo-American Pioneer. It was either follow the leader with a growing deficit of mileage, or gamble to the south where weather maps indicated Harris might find a stiff northerly breeze to catapult him into a position between Kip Stone and the Boston finish line. With a glimpse of potential victory in sight, Harris' choice was clear - gamble for first by heading a different route than the leader.

"The weather models I was analyzing for the southern tip of the Grand Banks showed a chance to capture some nice northerly wind," said Harris. "I headed south, but when I arrived, the northerlies were nowhere to be seen. I was left wallowing in the mind numbing stillness of the Atlantic as Artforms and Okami flew towards Boston. I need to keep reminding myself of the simple goal I established as a first-timer to this race - to finish."

Although in 3rd place for a short spell, Harris has regained 2nd place and has 250 miles to the finish line. He is likely to encounter more fluky weather as he approaches the coast, and a low-pressure system moves directly over the city of Boston. Harris says that his mental state is directly relative to the weather he encounters, a common feeling amongst solo sailors, who are often tortured by the extremes of brutally harsh conditions or the frustration of windless holes in the center of low pressure systems.

Wells Fargo-American Pioneer is a proven boat with two solo circumnavigations to her credit. She is an older boat than the competition Harris faces, built in 1997, while first place racer Artforms was built in 2003 and 3rd place Okami was built in 2000. Okami skipper Jacques Bouchacourt from France and American Joe Harris may hail from different continents, but they share many similarities. Both are fathers to two young children, active in the real estate business and began sailing as youngsters through the encouragement of their parents. They both have invested in one luxury item for The Transat race, a new set of sails. They are both also in a very similar position, separated by only 27 miles. Harris is expected to finish the race on Thursday, June 17.

For the latest information from Joe Harris aboard Wells Fargo-American Pioneer, please visit  Joe will be feeding the site with diary entries and photos taken aboard the yacht. Photos are available upon request.

The Transat
In The Transat race each sailor skippers his or her craft alone from Plymouth, England to Boston, Massachusetts. The race is known as the oldest and most prestigious solo sailing race in the world and only the most serious sailors with the highest proven stamina and mental toughness venture to participate in this extreme challenge. This race is the original, and arguably the toughest of trans-ocean races, taking competitors nearly 3,000 miles upwind across the treacherous, North Atlantic.

Joe Harris
Joe Harris, 44, is an accomplished businessman and experienced sailor who has set his sites on competing in several professional offshore races including the grand task of 5-Oceans, a solo race around the globe previously known as Around Alone. Harris currently holds the position of Chief Financial Officer at New Boston Fund, a $1.5 billion real estate investment and development company. His primary sponsors include Wells Fargo Bank, Goulston & Storrs, and New Boston Fund. He is also a husband and father of two young boys.

Meaghan Van Liew
+1 843 856 9974 office
+1 843 814 3966 mobile

GryphonSolo2 Campaign / Joe Harris Ocean Racing
471 Bridge Street, Hamilton, MA 01982
© 2025 GryphonSolo2 Campaign