GryphonSolo2 News


Joe Harris Smashes Bermuda 1-2 Solo Record by Over Four Hours
June 12, 2007

Bermuda sleeps, Harris celebrates!
June 12, 2007 1:37 EDT

Dateline St. George's Bermuda: While Bermuda slept, Joe Harris celebrated. Joe sailed his Open 50 Gryphon Solo across the finish line off St Georges setting a new solo record for the Bermuda 1-2. Taking his own time, he finished at 1:37 EDT. His unofficial elapse time was 62 hours and 37 minutes from his 11:00 AM EDT start on Saturday June 9th. The old Bermuda 1-2 solo course record of 66h:57m was set in 2005 by Kip Stone aboard the Open 50 Artforms. The results are unofficial until verified by the race committee.

Winds held through the evening after Joe's last report to keep him on the record setting pace. As he approached Bermuda he attempted to radio the race committee on VHF, but apparently they were not awake to catch him breaking the record. Joe talked with Bermuda Harbour Radio to advise them of his position as he approached and notified them of his finish. He has now anchored in the harbour to sleep and wait for customs to open in the morning.

He called his winning time to his shore team at about 2:15AM EDT. "I'm sorry to wake you," he shouted. "I've finished, got my sails down and I'm motoring through the cut into St. George's. I tried to rouse the RC, but nobody would answer. I'm totally stoked about setting this record. I'll have a solo spot of Jamison to toast my finish and then rack out for some real rest."

Way to Go Joe!

The 2007 BERMUDA ONE-TWO is organized by Goat Island Yacht Club, Ltd. and Newport (RI) Yacht Club, with support from the Rhode Island State Yachting Committee, the City of Newport, RI and the Town of St. George's, Bermuda. St. George's Dinghy & Sports Club is the host club in Bermuda.

For the details later today or tomorrow, go to

Joe at the start of the race:

photo by Billy Black

Media Contact
Talbot Wilson
PH: 850-432-8170  
FX: 850-432-8050

GryphonSolo2 Campaign / Joe Harris Ocean Racing
471 Bridge Street, Hamilton, MA 01982
© 2025 GryphonSolo2 Campaign